The Diary of Anne Frank
In Robert Montgomery Auditorium
June 7th - 30th, 2019
  AnnePoster                                         SYNOPSIS

For nearly two years, Anne Frank, her father, mother, and sister, joined with the Van Daan family, to hide in a secret annex space above her father’s former office in Amsterdam, as the Nazis deported the Jews of Holland to their deaths. In her secret attic, Anne comes of age: she laughs, plays, fights with her mother, and falls in love for the first time; she captures her story in her daily diary. In spite of her oppressive circumstances and the horrors that surround her, Anne’s spirit transcends, as she voices her belief, “in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.”

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Bremerton Community Theatre, Inc.
599 Lebo Boulevard, Bremerton, WA 98310
Copyright © 2006-2020 Bremerton Community Theatre